Thursday, November 15, 2007

well, i was having a pity party last night (my birthday), and i decided i wanted to go sit at the cemetery with my baby girl, but the gates were already locked. so, me being the "rebel" that i am (hahahaha), squeezed between the brick wall and the gate (if you've ever seen me, you'll know that was no small task seeing that my boobs are, well, huge) and sat with my pootie. i had only been there about 10 minutes when a cop showed up. so i went to the gate, and he said that he had gotten a call that there was a car sitting at the cemetery and it looked suspicious, which made me laugh. he asked what i was doing there. i said "i just wanted to come sit with my daughter". he was obviously a little confused and asked, " your daughter out there?" i was thinking, duh, why else would i have come out here to sit with her, but i didn't say anything b/c he seemed really nice and wasn't being rude at all. so he asked where she was and what her name was and what my name was, and he said "well, they lock these gates for a reason...i'm not really sure what that reason is b/c i don't see a problem with you sitting out here if that makes you feel better, but those are the rules, so i can't let you sit out here." about that time i started crying, which i'm sure made him feel like doo-doo, and i said "i'm sorry. i just had a really bad birthday, and i just wanted to come sit with my daughter." he said he understood, and he wished he could let me sit out there, but he just couldn't. so i said, still crying, "ok, well i squeezed in, i'll squeeze back out." he wished me a good evening and told me thank you and he was sorry, and that was that. thinking about it today, it makes me laugh that i actually busted into a locked cemetery...i think i've finally flipped my lid. what makes it even funnier is that it's gonna be in the newspaper tomorrow since the cops were responding to a call...i'm gonna frame it, i think. anyway, that's my big story for the day.


Anonymous said...

You are too funny! I am not sure why he did not just let you stay, cuz you gave him all the info he needed that you were on the up and up! I wish your birthday had been a better day! Well some of those big boobs you got from our side of the family, hehehe! I am sure Zeaui thinks you are one Crazy Momma!! Love you!!! Aunt Dana

Anonymous said...

i have been reading ur blogs and this one is the best. u should have cussed that cop. but i guess that is just me. i love u cooter. pooter

Anonymous said...

You are too cute! I probably would have done the same had I been in that situation. Rebel Mom! Love ya Girl!
♥ Shelly

Manda said...

Hun, you two look so sweet in that picture. Anyway, I agree with your Aunt Dana, he should have let you stay but I guess he had a job to do. I'm sorry you didn't have a good birthday. Remember that Zeaui will always be with you in your heart. I can tell by that picture that you loved her very much and she loved you. To quote a song: There are holes in the floor of Heaven and she's watching over you and Ashton. (The actual word is me but she loved her brother so much.) She will always be in your hearts.
