Monday, August 6, 2007

one more day

i don't really have a lot to say today, but i just wanted to vent, i guess. this house has so many memories of my baby every where i go. in fact, this town is full of memories. every time i go get a coke, i think of her saying, "wanna coke-o?". when i take ashton to the park, i remember how she played on the slides, and the last time she was there, she fell twice and bumped her little head and skinned her knees. every time i drive by raider park i remember when we went to the fishing hole and she had mud all over her little face as she splashed in the shallow water. every time i go to wal-mart, i hear her say, "what's this, what's this?". when we drive around in the country, and i see cows, i remember how excited she would get to see the "moo-moos". when we go to mcdonald's i remember how excited she got over a "appy meo" (happy meal). i remember how she would say "wanna watch tv?" which meant she wanted to watch a movie. or she would say "wanna watch m-bo" (dumbo) which was her most recent favorite movie. every time ashton grabs a rag and dusts things around the house, i remember how much she loved to help clean. every time i load the dishwasher, i can see her standing there waiting for me to hand her the dishes so she could put them in. every time i do laundry, i hear her squealing in excitement and reaching to sit on top of the dryer so that she could put the clothes in the washer. every time i come into the basement, i see the books that she loved to read and the movies that she loved to watch and the toys that she loved to play with, and it's almost too much to bare. when i go in ashton's room, which use to be her room too, i see her clothes in the closet. her toys are stored in the attic now, which was the logical thing to do, i guess, but when i go in there, i just remember how much of her is gone now. the carpet, her bed, her flowers on the wall, her toys, her little's all gone, and what really sucks about it is that it was the right thing to do. ashton doesn't need flowers on the wall. ashton doesn't play with her baby dolls and kitchen. ashton didn't need her bed. it makes me sad to know that the world doesn't stop because i hurt. people still go to work, kids still play, babies still grow up, everything just keeps going, and i feel stuck in the same place, screaming for the rest of the world to care that my baby is gone and that my heart is broken. i guess it's selfish to want the world to stop, but i don't care. i don't want pity, and i don't want a pat on the back for surviving something so horrible, i just want my baby to have recognition for what a beautiful, sweet, loving, funny little girl she was. i almost feel like i should be punished for letting such a wonderful creation be taken from the earth. she loved me so much, and she trusted me, and when she needed me i wasn't there. that's what hurts the most. i know that bad things happen, and i've heard everybody say, "it's not your fault", but it doesn't change the fact that my baby's gone, and i could have stopped it if i had known. i don't believe that God needed another angel, and i don't believe that we are being punished for something that we've done, and i don't believe that God picks the prettiest flowers, so he picked her. i just believe that accidents happen, and this one could have been prevented had i been there, or if we had better locks on the door, or if we had put a gate around the pool. moral of the story is...hold on to your babies tight, and don't ever let them go. let them have fun, but don't be naive about what can happen to them when you're not paying close enough attention. love them with your whole heart, and make sure you hug and kiss them every day, and make sure you tell them every chance you get how much you love them and need them, because you never know when they could be taken from you.


Anonymous said...

I care, Melissa. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Reading this new post makes me hurt for you. I know the feelings you wrote so well about. I can't say they will go away, I still feel them. I know what you mean about wanting the world to stop to remember Zeaui and what a wonderful happy girl she was (is in your heart). I KNOW your pain. You can always read past blogs from me ( so you know you're not alone! I love you, come see me if you need an outlet, if seeing Kenna doesn't burn too much.

Anonymous said...

We all hurt for you and it makes us remember the special people we have lost too. It is very true that bad things happen to good people. You are "good people" and something happened that you can be angry about, sad about, and hurt about for a long time. Shoulda, woulda, coulda will drive you crazy, but that is the way it is. Sucks don't it. I love you, and think about you every single day and then call Bonnie and Trish. You are right to hug, hold, and tell them you love them allllll the time. There is a plan, but we don't know what it is, and if we did, then we would be God. Gotta trust there is a reason for bad things, we just don't get to know the answer. My mother-in-law died about 20 years ago, and I still miss her. She was my best friend. What is truly wonderful is that I can still hear her unique laugh, smell her perfume (Shalimar)and lots of other things just like you have your memories of Zeaui. It does get easier, but it never stops hurtng. If you listen to yourself, you have some awfully wonderful memories that won't ever go away. Isn't that cool!! I love you and your venting helps all of us know how you are feeling. Aunt Dana

Anonymous said...

I have loved reading this blog. I am still having a hard time writing much about my memories because it is very hard to type through tears and sobs, but I will try. One of the things I loved so about Zeaui was that she was such a 'girly" girl. Just a natural-born charmer and flirt. She always picked out the the tallest dark handsome man in the room and just proceeded to wrap him around her little finger. I remember one time at Aunt Margie's house when she went after Aaron and he was holding her up high and then tipping her over so she was almost upside down. She was squealing and laughing and yelling Aawan! Aawon! Another time she went after Baran because he had food. Baran had never held a little kid and didn't really know what to do. That didn't slow Zeaui down a bit. Ashton proceeded to make a mess in his diaper and then give the diaper and wipes to Baran, but "Miss Priss" just flirted and got her way. Mark and Melissa, I know from my experiences that things will get easier even though it will always hurt. It is good that you can reflect on your happy memories. Eventually you will be able to remember her and laugh instead of cry. I don't know when that will be. I'm not at that place yer and I'm not her mamma or daddy. Love you and lift you all up in my prayers every day. Aunt Sharon

Jeanne said...

You and Zeaui are in my thoughts daily. I saw Ashton Friday, he is a hoot.
Love, Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Melissa, I'm one of Kara's friends & I want you to know that I DO care about your darling baby. I think of her often & I do sit and watch people go on about their lives and even myself and I think silently, "I wonder how Melissa, Mark & Ashton are today? Wonder if anyone has called today to tell them they're thinking about Zeaui?" B/c I feel for you. Your pain is interceded by many people. Everyone wants to "make it better" or "take it away" and no one can. I'm still sorry that your lost your child & I still know your grief is heavy. Turn to the Lord and seek His face with all your heart. "Come unto Me all ye that labor and are haevy laden and I will give thee rest. For My yolk is easy and My burden is light." The words of Jesus from Matthew 11:28

He is the only one who can ease your pain & give you the peace and comfort to the extent only He is aware.

Anonymous said...

Hi, you don't know me and I dontknow you. I have twin boys and a girl and I saw you on cafe mom so I looked at your profile which led me to reading your blogs. I am so incredably sorry for your loss I wish I knew words to make you feel better. I don't even know what to say but it felt right to leave a comment and tell you I care and you are in my thoughts and prayers as well as both of your babies. God bless you.