Wednesday, August 22, 2007


sad again...will this ever go away? i have a sneaking suspicion it will not, but i can only hope it will get easier. anyway, as you all probably know, music is my biggest outlet and escape. no matter how i am feeling, i can always find a song or two to delve into and express myself. it's amazing how someone can write a song that can mean so many different things to so many different people, and when you pick them apart you can always find a bit of yourself in most songs. so, to try to make myself feel a little better, i decided to write (type) out a few pieces from a few songs that describe me today...

"i'll sing it one last time for you, and then we really have to go. you've been the only thing that's good in all i've done...light up, light up as if you have a choice. even if you can't always hear my voice, i'll be right beside you dear." (this is what will be on the back of my baby's headstone...i couldn't have said how i feel about my babies better than this song says it for me)

"run" snowpatrol

"love is not a victory march, it's a cold and it's a broken's not a cry you can hear at night, it's not somebody who's seen the light, it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah."

"hallelujah" rufus wainwright

"if i should die this very day, don't cry because on earth we weren't meant to stay, and no matter what the people say, i'll be waiting for you at the judgement day...your love is my love and my love is your love. it would take an eternity to break us, and the chains of amestad couldn't hold us."

"your love is my love" whitney houston

"i've got sunshine on a cloudy day. when it's cold outside i've got the month of may. i guess you'd say what can make me feel this girl" (just thought i would throw that one in there...i used to sing it to her, and she loved it.)

"my girl" the temptations

i guess that's all the songs for now. i could write on and on about music, but really it would just be a distraction from the pain right now, and tonight is one of those nights i really don't want to forget how bad it hurts. i just want to sit and cry. i tried to go to the cememtery a few minutes ago, knowing the gates would be closed for the night, but hoping maybe they forgot to shut one of them. i just want to sit in the dark with my baby girl and cry for the rest of the night, and i would have had that stupid gate been open, but, of course, it wasn't. so now i'm sitting here in my room typing and crying and wishing that i could go back in time and bring my pootie back. anyway, i guess that's all for tonight. i love you all, and thank you for reading my blogs.


Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa,
I have a little girl myself now and I just can't imagine what you are going through. I am so sorry. I just want you to know that I think about you alot and your sweet babies. It's ok to cry all night long if you want to. I wanted to cry myself just reading that. But Ashton needs his cool, hip momma so hang in there! There are a lot of people who have you on their minds!!! Love ya!
Shelly (Deger) Penney

Anonymous said...

Thank you Melissa for this blog. I read it a lot. It has helped me enough so that now I can read some parts without crying. The pictures make me smile. So I hope it is helping you, too. You have every right in the world to grieve however you want for as long as you want. I believe you have a certain amount of tears to cry and the sooner you cry them out, the sooner you'll be done. And I know that you are such a good mom that you would never let Ashton down in any way. Love to you all,
Aunt Sharon

Anonymous said...

Melissa, I Love You So Much!!! I know from experience that the pain never goes away. But I do know that it does get easier. Yesterday was 4yrs that I lost RaeLeigh and it was easier to go through the day than it was in previuos yrs. All I know is that God brought me through it and if He can bring me through , He can also bring you through. You have it give it all to Him and trust Him and He will be there for you and Mark and He will never turn His back on you. i Know we will see our babies again!! I always think about the times we were all together and Chloe would jack Zeaui's paci and she would let her have it and go on about her business, but when she wanted it back, she wanted it back. Well I am here anytime you need me. (no matter what)I Love You!! Give Ashton lots of Hugs & Kisses from Nantie

Anonymous said...

You have never met me, I'm your Aunt Dana's daughter in law. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am, and to say that I love reading your posts. They make me remember to tell my boys that I love them every day, and to hug and kiss them all the time. Keep up the writing, it is a good way to vent!!
You and your family are in my thoughts often and always in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa,
Thinking of you today and every day! I love you, Aunt Dana

Anonymous said...

Your love is better than ice cream
Better than anything else that Ive tried
And your love is better than ice cream
Everyone here know how to fight
And its a long way down
Its a long way down
Its a long way down to the place
Where we started from
Your love is better than chocolate
Better than anything else that Ive tried
Oh love is better than chocolate
Everyone here knows how to cry
Its a long way down
Its a long way down
Its a long way down to the place
Where we started from...

I love you...